Using Google Cloud Services with Apigee X



Apigee is a platform for developing and managing APIs. Apigee can help you leverage Google Cloud services like Pub/Sub, Cloud Logging, or any other cloud service providing a REST API. In this lab, your Apigee API proxy leverages several Google Cloud services.

In this lab, you use multiple Google Cloud services from an Apigee API proxy to handle user comments.


In this lab, you learn how to perform the following tasks:

Enable required Google Cloud APIs

Create a service account and apply the correct roles

Call a Google Cloud service using the Google Cloud REST API

Perform sentiment analysis by calling the Cloud Natural Language API

Publish a Pub/Sub message using the PublishMessage policy

Log error messages to Cloud Logging

Apigee Advanced API Management



In Apigee API Management Fundamentals, you saw how to support the overall API lifecycle management for your APIs with the Apigee. In this lab you will see how Apigee can be used for certain advanced API management tasks and will delve further into the features that Apigee has to offer.

Lab Objectives

In this lab, you will walk through:

How to reuse API management policies using Shared Flows, Flow Callouts and Flow Hooks.

How to configure service orchestration in a composite API proxy.

How to route traffic and load balance across multiple API target backends using Target Server and Route Rule configurations.

How to leverage Google Cloud Monitoring for your API program operational monitoring and alerting.

Lab Prerequisites

This lab will be valuable to API developers, dev-ops engineers, architects, and anyone who wants to understand how to use advanced API management features on Apigee Edge.Lab Prerequisites

For this lab, you will need:

A basic understanding of Apigee API Management, and how the Apigee platform works. Consider attending a Virtual API Jam on API Management Fundamentals.

A Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client.

Access to an HTTP client to test the API (eg. cURL, Postman, etc.). If you do not have access to one, you can use the Apigee Trace Tool.

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