Create Free RDP 7GB RAM and 2 CPU Core with Github.
RDP-E5 LINK : https://github.com/PRO-E5/RDP-E5
Ngrok - Windows RDP
Click on Fork to get started.
Add one secrets to your cloned repo:
NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN with your auth key from https://dashboard.ngrok.com/auth
Go to Actions click on Ngrok - Windows RDP then run the workflow.
Ngrok - Mac-os RDP
Click on Fork to get started.
Add three secrets to your cloned repo:
NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN with your auth key from https://dashboard.ngrok.com/auth
VNC_USER_PASSWORD with the desired password for the "VNC User" (vncuser) account
VNC_PASSWORD for the VNC-only password
Go to Actions click on Ngrok - Mac-os RDP then run the workflow.
Once the wokflow is started you can login to VNC